Recent Vintage Finds

Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Gosh, have I been lucky when it comes to thrifting lately! We make our way to thrift stores whenever we are in need of new clothes, furniture, and kitchen items. Jeremy and I have always felt it is important to reuse old items instead of immediately purchasing new ones. What better way to recycle!

Odessa recently moved into a twin bed. I found the headboard at Value Village and just painted it white (the footboard matches), and the little bedside table is from the Old Strathcona Antique Mall

Very sweet little dresses. I think they are meant to be pj's, but my girls will be wearing these all summer. They are so light and airy.

I thought this mirror was just gorgeous, and it fits so nicely in the front entrance.

Vintage buttons. I can sit with Odessa for a long time picking out our favourite ones, separating big and littles, and so on. Seriously, buttons make great "un-toys" (under supervision, of course)

I thought this tea pot coaster (is that what they are called?) was so cute, and the colours are perfect!


Wednesday, April 7, 2010
We had an awesome Easter/celebration of Spring. The wonderful company helped a lot, as did the beautiful weather. Odessa enjoyed her first Easter egg hunt and Stella was right in there too. She almost had her first taste of chocolate. We found her with a suspicious look on her face and a little foil egg in her mouth. Although we are still in that awkward phase of spring; the closet full of both winter jackets and sweaters, winter boots and sandals, I am so grateful for the longer days. It is so nice to be able to go for a walk after supper, to open the windows, and not have to worry about where the scarves and hats and mittens are (we are constantly misplacing all those little mittens). Love this time of year!

I made the girls these little bunnies that I found here. So simple. So cute. I used an organic cotton bed sheet we weren't using for the head and legs and the rest of the bed sheet for the stuffing. The bodies are just from the scrap basket.

My sister and I tell my mom she HAS to make this Easter bread every year.
It's tradition.

Love Easter lilies

This picture was taken just before Odessa yanked the basket away and said "No Stella, you'll choke!!"
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